
Welcome to Manorfield Primary and Nursery School


Welcome to Manorfield Primary and Nursery School



At Manorfield we use the programme Read Write Inc. Phonics. It is used to teach early reading and writing skills. It integrates phonics with comprehension, writing, grammar, spelling and handwriting. The programme ensures phonics teaching is effective and children meet high expectations.


Children learn 40+ sounds. They learn to read accurately and fluently with good comprehension. Reading books are closely matched to children’s increasing knowledge of sounds and words. Pronouncing sounds correctly is important so children can blend sounds easily.

Children write in every phonics session. They learn to form letters, spell words and compose their ideas step-by-step.

At Manorfield we use the handwriting guidance below:

Children learn to read and spell red words ('tricky' words). These are common words with low frequency graphemes. Here is a list of red words:

For further details about Read Write Inc. Phonics, please read our information sheet and parent workshop slides:

In Year 1 we carry out the statutory phonics screening check to identify whether children have a secure foundation in phonics. Children are required to decode real and nonsense words, for example 'reptiles' and 'splue'.

The results are shared in your child’s end of the year report.


As children transition into Key Stage 2 they are supported with their acquisition of early literacy skills through continuing Read Write Inc. Phonics if needed. They can then access Fresh Start, which gives older children the chance to catch up. The intervention programme teaches students to read accurately and fluently with good comprehension. It teaches them to spell correctly and compose their ideas for writing step-by-step.


Students learn the English alphabetic code: the 150+ graphemes that represent 44 speech sounds. They experience success from the very beginning. Lively stories and non-fiction texts are both age-appropriate and closely matched to their increasing knowledge of phonics and ‘tricky’ words, and as students re-read the texts their fluency increases.


Students write every day, rehearsing out loud what they want to write, using their knowledge of the alphabetic code and the ‘tricky’ words they have learnt. They learn to write compositions based on their own experiences and ideas from stories, drawing upon new vocabulary and grammar.




Our vision at Manorfield is to equip our children with the essential life skill of reading, to know that we read for meaning, that it has a purpose, and to promote a love and enjoyment of books.

Reading is an essential life skill that allows us to understand and to function in the world around us. It enables us to discover a wealth of information and to enter into the magical world of books where we can escape into our own imaginations.

"The more you read, the more you'll know. The more you know, the more places you'll go" - Dr Seuss

Details of the Reading Bands used at Manorfield may be downloaded below:
