
Welcome to Manorfield Primary and Nursery School


Welcome to Manorfield Primary and Nursery School

Home School Link Worker

The Home School Link Worker plays a significant role within the school community, helping to bridge the gap between parents and school. The HSLW is part of the school team but works independently, uniquely connected to pupils' needs and their families.


Studies have shown that the work of HSLWs has some impact on improving attendance within families but has a far greater impact in terms of developing better home-school relationships, allowing teachers more time to focus on teaching and learning rather than social and emotional issues.


Home-school liaison is child and parent-centred work that builds positive partnerships between school and home in order to support children's development and learning. Any difficulties can be tackled at an early stage and links families to specialised help and support when necessary.


The main aims are to


  • work with individual and groups of pupils and parents
  • work closely with the SENCO and CPO to support families
  • help families where there are children with special educational needs
  • liaise with outside agencies (school nurse, social care, CAMHS, health visitors, GPs) and signpost parents
  • improve attendance levels
  • help to reduce the amount of times pupils are late for school
  • help with transition to secondary school
  • support families in times of crisis by visiting at home or meeting in school
  • sharing information from school with parents and other agencies
  • help parents with form filling
  • provide advice re benefits, domestic violence, housing, health, bereavement etc.
  • ensure those who are entitled to free school meals actually receive them
  • advocate for parents and support parents who want to learn themselves


Research has shown that work by HSLWs helps to raise children's educational achievements and attendance levels, and is influential in increasing parents' knowledge of school life. This contributes to the school ethos that values parental involvement.


Parents who have attended the Parenting Puzzle course do improve their parenting skills, becoming more confident, and this has an indirect positive influence on children's learning.


If there are any problems or concerns, come in to school for a chat and a coffee, phone or email
